Oh my stars, Stella, you are FOUR!

I remember the day you were born and not having any idea what I was doing. 
Thank God I figured it out and you made it this far...
I love watching you grow every year and I love being your mommy. Even when we butt heads I'm glad I'm your mommy.

You started school officially a few short months ago and you love it! It didn't take long for you to get into a routine as this being the new norm. It's been good for both of us. Even though 3 hours flies by it's nice for you to mind someone else (um, well hopefully) and for me to, well, do anything I can possibly do with 1 kid verses 2.

I've seen positive changes in you since being in school; putting things away, more interest in helping and participating in homely duties and you seem to have a better understanding of community and organizing. 

I'm not sure what goes on in school, but you talk about people being your friends. It's really cute to hear you talk about your classmates. I don't know what 4 and 5 year old friends do, but I hope people continue to be nice to you and you to them. A few things I hear about school that I can remember: 
Ada reads to you!
Elliot is a little guy.
Lyon has the same kind of shoes as you.
You play with Josie and AJ on recess.
Patrick and Felix are big kids.
Evelyn helps you with work.
Kids help you if you fall.
You bumped heads with Faith.
Clara doesn't let you play with her sometimes.
_________ picks his nose.
There is a lot of make believe play about bad animals on recess.
Brigid cut her finger at food prep.
It was a medium-good day, but only medium-good because you fell.

You are sensitive and sweet, yet so determined. Determined to do what's in that little head of yours. You also suffer from perfectionism and I'm sorry for that. There are times you become frustrated when you don't like your drawing because it doesn't look the way you want. Like... um, you freak out about it. On another note, you are starting to draw things on your own. I love that. You are making people, with faces and just things that resemble real things. Not a Monet, but I love this.

You are showing an interest in reading! I should say sounding out words. This is so interesting and you are actually really good at hearing the beginning, middle and end sounds. I love seeing you take interest in writing them yourself too. I wasn't sure if this day would come based on your perfectionism in the past. But, you are improving with handwriting and knowing how to do all your letters too!

Your Eyes.
They are beautiful my dear.
We are still doing therapy every 3 weeks and the therapists seem to be seeing progress. You know how to do your homework exercises, but it's still trying to get you to cooperate most days. Your therapist tells me you are able to use and fixate with both at the same time at certain exercises and that is great! I'm excited to find the results at your next appointment.

Things you like and like to do: 
Puzzles (The United States puzzle is a favorite).
Make believe play with little people figures or with friends
Art and Craft projects
Wrestling, Dancing and Snuggling

Overall, you love to learn. I can't imagine an age with you not wanting to soak it all in and ask great questions. (Although I'm a little sick of the Why? question). 

You threw out your pacifier last night and the other one last week. We put a limit on them for age 4. You don't really even love them this past year it was more like a habit. You asked for a new paci and I told you this one is it and if you don't want it you can throw it away or send it in the mail somewhere. You said "ok" and threw it in the garbage. And I said, well that was easy... (and just like that we are a pacifier-free house since your sister refuses them since a month or so ago).

Stella, you are a lover. There are so many times you wrap your arms around one of us and say "I love you." and give us a kiss. We are so lucky to have such an affectionate child. You are a constant reminder of the importance of showing affection. 

You are also a loving big sister. "I love you, Ana" is a familiar phrase from you and you like to give her hugs and kisses a lot too! Lately, you think you can do more by trying to change her diaper, feed her, hold her etc. While these are really good things and I appreciate the gestures, she's really still too fragile to be 'manhandled' by you. I let you do a little, but sometimes I pray for her safety bc you 'love to hard' or don't realize that something might hurt. Sorry, second child, you. BUT I'm really thrilled you love her so much!! She's lucky to have you and boy, she is your BIGGEST FAN!

It's been an interesting year and I think our hardest as a mother-daughter pair yet.

Despite the obvious of adding a sibling making things a little more difficult, I'm finding my own path in mothering you. The older you get, the more you flex your little muscles and I have to find out what I need to do in those situations. I try my utmost best to do a good job, but my patience has failed me many times. And, I'm sorry for those. It feels awful to lose it with a child. And to lost my temper on such a little girl. I promise I will continue to work on this. I haven't figured it all out and continue to amaze and baffle me every day.

I'll always be your biggest fan.
I love you


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