
Ana Girl,

Nothing like feeling like you have no updates on your child's milestones. Just when I was thinking how I "overwrote" for your sister, I found myself referencing her entries for her school birthday book.

So there, as a new mom, I likely did "overwrite" in the blogs for her, but sheeeew I'm grateful I did now that I went back and read. It was actually sort of neat re-reading her last 4 years.

But, don't worry sweet girl, I'm still loving life with you even if I don't mark it all down. There's something kind of relaxing in not giving a damn about when you meet a milestone too. You're right where you need to be and sweet and demanding as can be!

You are freshly 8 months and you've blossomed so much between 6 and 7 months. I don't know what happened, but you've become a little human. A little human that engages more and wants to communicate with meaning! You don't like food... I'm trying, but sort of giving up bc you press your lips together so hard when I try to feed you. The only way I can get food in is if I make you laugh or sing Jingle Bells, but then as soon as it's in your mouth you spit 3/4 of it out. I'm waiting for you to get more teeth so I can give  you legit solids for you to put in your mouth yourself.

On that note - your first 2 teeth have shot through!! They aren't all in yet, but oh! do I feel them! The teething ring in the freezer became instant gold one day last week so I knew something was abrewing soon. I think these came in around 6 months. Also, you are practically mobile. Because you can get around so well by rolling all over the floor and a little bit of a scoot, it doesn't seem like you care about crawling, but I still think you are close. And when you do, watch out world (and ALL OF STELLA'S THINGS!).

You looooooooooooooooooooooooove Stella! Everything she does is hilarious and when she sings or dances, everything is right in the world. But that's not to say she isn't too rough with you; loving you too hard or ripping something out of your hands bc she all the sudden wants it or it's hers... When you can talk - watch out Stella! I think Santa will be writing a little note to her about sharing ;)

Your talking is still mostly dadadadadadadadadda, but there are lots of other gurgles and sounds. The cutest ones are always when you wake from your nap or the morning. I love listening to you talk happily. It's fun to watch your face and mouth pay attention to the sounds and what my mouth is doing.

Still liking:
Peek a Boo
When I say "You're Just a Head" after your bath and only show your head.
You LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE music! There's so much joy in your face when we sing to you and you enjoy dancing too. You wave your hand to music and favs are "Jingle Bells" and "Deck the Halls"
Not so much into books, but would rather eat them.
Like investigating Stella's toys and computer and phone cords.

Your obsession with me is rather endearing and flattering haha, but there are times this momma wants a break. Through and through you are a momma's girl... You do love your daddy and are comfortable with you pappaw too. What's difficult is that you don't take a bottle and don't like food - leaving me your only source of nourishment (and boy you are indeed nourished haha!!) sooo we are a little attached.
If I'm holding you smiles can be given freely, if not or in the stroller sometimes you cry if people look at you haha... like, come on Ana, I'm right next to you. You look at me like, "um Mom I don't know them so why are they looking at me."

Dinner time is still tough for you and we typically live in the ergo for an hour or so. Our late afternoons often consist of walks around the neighborhood with sissy for 30+ minutes and prepping dinner in the ergo. Every day you take a morning nap pretty much 10-12p which has been such a gift to me. Afternoons are questionable... If you don't nap by 4pm I keep you awake and put you down for the night at 6:15/6:30pm. It can be tough, but at least I'm not being double teamed at bedtime then.

Your sleep overall has been good.
<This could be it's own separate blog, but I WILL NOT give anyone sleep advice. If they want to know what works for us, fine, but every family, child and priorities are different.>

There was one night when you were 6.5 months old. Daddy was working late and I put you to bed, then I put your sister to bed. I was beat. An hour later you woke up screaming. Instead of running to you, I sat there pissed. I was so annoyed and tired so I let you cry for a little. You cried for about 25 minutes (yes, I timed it because I felt bad) and it wasn't blood curdling cries, it was more like tired cries that got softer and softer.
And after what seemed like eternity, 25 minutes later you were asleep. I was in somewhat of disbelief, but also so relieved because as a momma, I was done. 

This all happened after I had talked to 2 friends about sleep issues. I was recommended 2 books (neither of them which I read bc I didn't have time - NOTE: It takes me a year or so to read a book cover to cover... I'm slow). I emailed them the ins and outs of things and by accident I sorta did a mix of what they did and it's been so much better for the whole family ever since. 

I'm so hopeful that people continue to hate me for you being able to sleep. That's fine.

It was infringes on so many aspects of my life... daddy was on the couch because he has to support the family and function running his own business, i was snapping at stella and crabby unless i got a coffee, 3 of the 4 people weren't sleeping in the house! I'm more rigid with your routine, Ana (as rigid as you can be with more than 1 kid), but I don't care... seriously the better you nap, the better you sleep at night and the better you are while awake and the happier those around you seem to be. Seems like a win in my book.

Your smiles are so sweet, but that's coupled with you being DEMANDING! You have LOUD screeches and cries. The crying is less though which is a dreamboat. I'm thankful for that. You finally are sitting up by yourself and been clapping for a month or so! It comes with excitement or music. You are like most babies, a happy and investigative (is that a word?), curious one... putting everything in your mouth. If you are anything like me or sissy you'll be doing that for years. Sigh.

You love Stella and she loves you. I love that she loves you so much. She tells me "I love Ana. She's so cute!" and she showers you with kisses and loves holding you. 

my sweet red buggie girl with the peeling cradle cap, i love you.


Auntie Sandy said…
Aww, thanks for the Ana update!
Ma Mom said…
The biggest, brightest smiles! Glad you realize how her attachment to you is her way of saying, you are my protectorate, and my mamma!

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